Just Make Something Already

I digitized my parents’ old vacation videos for Christmas, which included their trip to Italy. I didn’t watch the whole thing, but I did happen to notice that they spent more video tape footage capturing the Italian version of “The Wheel of Fortune”, than they did recording Michelangelo’s David.

Meanwhile, I caught a glimpse at my own ten-year old artist mind when I digitized a recording of my first band The Cubbies, modeled after The Beatles. Listening to my unabashed belting voice brought me to tears - tears of regret, embarrassment, and vivid horror. Other words came to mind as well, but I was in the library media lab, and I kept them to myself as to not upset the children.

I faced another reminder this week of my drive to create, when I got together with my old high school carpool, a select group of friends that happened to live in my general area. I had the pleasure of driving them home from all the theatre and choir rehearsals, cast parties, and stops at Dunkin Donuts, where we laughed endlessly at the things only teenagers would find back-breaking hilarious. The conversation resurrected stories of stage performances and back yard concerts.

I had conveniently shoved some of those memories deep down to get down to the business of “growing up.” However, I never really managed to stop expressing myself creatively. Developing projects as a writer helped me process the constant bombardment of thoughts and ideas in my head, but on the down side, writing made it easier to avoid actually producing something.

I’ve procrastinated. I’ve delayed. I’ve considered launching my next project over the past several months, but stopped short with many good reasons to wait. I’ve written many words that helped me justify avoiding even talking about it in the newsletter, because it would mean actually putting the project in motion. I’m even dragging my feet in this paragraph right now...

Why do I works so hard to put off something I love so much? Why must I play it safe, waiting for the perfect moment, which does not exist?... Looks like I’m continuing to procrastinate in this paragraph. Get to your point, Dan!

Okay. I have waited long enough. I’m getting into pre-production on my comedy-mystery podcast “The Mystery of the Principal and his Notebook.” This project will act as a proof-of-concept for a potential feature film production.

Where does the project stand right now? Aside from the exciting new poster here, I have a budget, script breakdown, and an this current updated website focused on the project. Now it’s time to raise money.

Creative folks like myself have many options to raise money. I chose Ko-fi as my platform because they offer the flexibility of both individual one-time contributions, like Kickstarter, and/or monthly contributions, like Patreon (for those Dan Gorski / Smiling Chow Productions super-fans). More importantly, they don’t take fees from the donations, so the whole contribution will go to the production company.

Before I launch the actual fundraising campaign, I need a bit more time to plan out ways to thank those who contribute - what you may have seen as bonus incentives or inside access to the process. I plan to offer two ways to support:

  • Single Contribution for the main project support

  • Monthly Contribution for the main project plus ongoing projects

For this coming year, all contributions will go directly to the main project, “The Mystery of the Principal and His Notebook” podcast series. Any contribution will go directly into the Smiling Chow Productions LLC account, and once I have around 75% of needed funds, I will set a date for a recording session.

I would love any feedback from you -- my fabulous friends and family on this incentive plan -- what works, doesn’t work, or even if you have other ideas. Check out the current incentive structure below...

Single Contribution Incentives / Merch

  • Any Amount below $25 - A heart-felt “Thank You!” from me, plus your name included on the website with podcast credits, plus a random shoutout on social media. If you prefer to stay anonymous, you can donate as a guest and/or select “Private Message” - then you can tell me later, so I can thank you with discretion.

  • $25 - Yellow “Mystery of the Principal and His Notebook” Notebook

  • $35 - Smiling Chow Productions T-Shirt (wear a photo of my chow Basie!)

  • $50 - “The Dead Band Director Mystery” - digital interactive choose your own adventure story - an additional original murder mystery!

  • $75 - Yellow “Mystery of the Principal and His Notebook” Notebook
    PLUS “The Dead Band Director Mystery” digital interactive choose your own adventure story
    PLUS Virtual onset visit (live and/or recorded)

  • $100 - All of the incentives of the $75 contribution
    PLUS Invitation to launch party

Monthly Contribution Levels (for Super-fans!)

  • Smiling Chow (Tier 1) - $4 monthly / $40 yearly
    Personal video thank you message
    Weekly fresh writing sample with commentary (written or audio)
    Early access to production works in progress, including early edits of audio, music, and videos

  • Smiling Barking Chow (Tier 2) - $8 monthly / $80 yearly
    Tier 1 Incentives PLUS
    “The Dead Band Director Mystery” digital interactive choose your own adventure story Virtual onset visit (live and/or recorded)
    Monthly bonus video or written personal story
    50% off merch

  • Smiling Chow Chasing Squirrel (Tier 3) - $12 monthly / $120 yearly
    Tier 2 Incentives PLUS
    Invitation to launch parties
    Complimentary merch

Thanks for taking a look! Feel free to email me if you want to provide feedback.


A Story of Three Trumpet Players


All Lit Up